The Sun The Cloud SAA Basic Text

Step Seven

"Humbly asked God to remove
our shortcomings."

"Humility is the result of the
self-honesty we have gained through
working the preceding steps."
- The Green Book, p. 43

"As we grow in humility,
we gradually come to view our lives,
and even our problems, with gratitude."
- The Green Book, p. 44-45

The Sun The Cloud

Step Two

"Came to believe that a Power
greater than ourselves could
restore us to sanity".

"When we accept that our way doesn't
work, Step Two opens the door
to a new way that does."
- The Green Book, p. 25

"When we have come to believe that we
can be restored to sanity, we have
stepped out of the problem and
become aware of the solution."
- The Green Book, p. 28

Eugene SAA Potluck

Eugene SAA Potluck & Speaker Meeting

Open meeting for SAA members, partners, family, and supporting people.

Date & Time:
Saturday, March 15, 2025
6:30pm to 8:15pm
Fellowship, Potluck, Speaker Meeting with Chris M.

United Lutheran Church
2230 Washington St.
Eugene, OR

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